Year-Round Programs
"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."
- Proverbs 22:6
IIMF provides programming for Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Des Moines Alternative School. These programs provide a variety of experiences for students starting in elementary to graduating from high school.
Elementary School Program
The Elementary School Program provides exciting and educational programming for fourth and fifth grade students. The program encourages students to start thinking about the steps needed to complete high school and graduate from high school.
Middle School Program
The Middle School Program provides workshops and activities for middle school students. Workshops are geared towards closing the gap for eighth grade students entering high school.
High School Program
The High School Program provides high school students with necessary information and guidance to assist them in applying and attending college. Workshops include free ACT classes, Essay Writing and Study Skills & Time Management.

Elementary Program (4th - 5th Grade)
The goal of the elementary program is to give students early awareness of the importance of a college degree and to build a foundation for social and academic success. To this end, students engage in reading, writing and critical thinking activities, team building, service learning, high school awareness and preparation, college and career exploration, and goal setting.
How to Make College a Reality
Target low to moderate income elementary schools and host “I will be a college graduate” Program.
Program consists of:
Conducting two meetings/pep rallies at targeted schools
Focused on providing students with information related to college and early preparation
The goal is to plant the seed in their hearts and minds that they too can go to college, create an early passion and desire for higher education through facilitation, discussion, role play, etc. Materials will include prizes, buttons, reading, writing program “Why is going to college so important?’’ and What do I want to be when I grow up?”
Middle School Program (6th - 8th Grade)
The goal of the middle school program is to provide parents and kids with awareness of the impending high school experience and the importance it will carry for college. IIMF will provide mentoring programs for At-risk students and provide information for middle school students and their parents with skills and resources to successfully complete the college application process.
High School Program (9th - 12th Grade)
Annual College Tours for Historically Black Colleges & Universities and State of Iowa Colleges and Universities
College Prep Day Requirement - Students must be a member or begin membership in one of the following:
NAACP Youth Council
Sisters for Success
Jack & Jill of America, Inc.
Real Project
Mentoring - “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else”
Assign each student with a mentor
Mentor monitoring sessions
Provide activities for mentors and mentees to harbor a friendly relationship
Three Quarterly touch-base communications with students:
Have you made your decision?
Assistance with college applications
Academic Counseling – how are you preparing
Financial Aid Counseling/Scholarship
How is your mentoring sessions going?
Educational component – leadership, financial literacy
Support with extracurricular activities
IIMF College Success Kit
Each graduating senior receives a college success kit
Reference tools (thesaurus, dictionary, etc.)
College supplies
Resource book​
Feel free to contact our Program Director about ongoing programs at or
Created to provide programs that assist
African American children in understanding the value of an
education and preparing them to take their rightful place as future leaders.